29 Year Old French Tourist Pregnant With 17 Girls Promising Everyone To Bring Him To Europe

Nicknamed ”the Paris of West Africa”, Abidjan attracts many French and foreigners, making it the cosmopolitan city of the region. With popular neighborhoods like Adjamé, Cocody, Marcory, Treichville, you will not be disappointed by the Ivorian atmosphere, with tourist sites full of young girls.

It was then at Princess Street that this French tourist named Robin Dupuis regularly went to get supplies and sometimes went with more than two girls in a single night.

this is how the French tourist ended up impregnating 17 young girls aged 16 to 18. According to the girls. The tourist promised to take them to Europe after high school. He took them to great restaurants and gave them money

<< I am very happy to have become pregnant with my dubois. It’s the love of my life. He promised me that he would take me to Europe to continue my studies. I don’t care about other girls. I’m sure he loves me more than the others >>’ said one of the girls

The French tourist who hasn’t called them since returning to France told each of them that he would be back and that they shouldn’t worry about him. Some parents have already filed a lawsuit against X for child molestation and rape

But the question that torments our minds is that of knowing how young people can still be so naive until today to such an extent that the latter manages to deceive them just with a simple promise of a trip to Europe??

Mots clés: #Year #French #Tourist #Pregnant #Girls #Promising #Bring #Europe

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