5 Things A Couple Absolutely Must Do Before Getting Married

Taking the plunge and getting married is the dream of many Girls… and Boys! However, the matter here is not as simple as it seems. When we say yes, it’s for better and for worse. It is therefore necessary to be ready to assume all the adventures that could arise during the marriage. Before you avoid the village of “If I knew”, Team tells you 5 things you absolutely must do before you get married.

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It’s primordial ! Cohabiting with your future spouse will allow you to know both their good and bad sides. If you don’t mind the mess he or she leaves every time he or she passes by, if the fact that he or she showers once every two days doesn’t bother you, then my friend you’re sure the right path to a successful marriage.

2- have a big argument

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You need to know if by saying “Mouf”, your Boy’s slap will go away. This is very important, because in marriage it will cook if necessary. As for you Boy, it is of primary necessity to know if your go is going to call the reinforcement to beat you up if the tone rises between you two. Knowing how to manage conflicts is an indispensable thing for the future. You must know how the other reacts in case of big anger. In addition, it is healthy to take the lead from time to time. Beware if you never argue with your guy or go for that matter. The person will turn into a dragon once the ring is on their finger.

3Having a big financial crisis

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It is there that we see who is who is who. When the nerve of the hardly, the money (not the love), is lacking, the masks often fall badly. Going through a financial crisis that will shake your relationship before marriage will be beneficial in that you will know in advance if the d-day, the phrase “…for better or for worse” will be quoted with sincerity. Financial problems can tear a relationship apart, so prepare for the worst by considering how you might overcome problems if they arise.

4-Take out the “Ex” folder

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Frustrated boyfriends who would like to ruin your big day… ahem they are there, lurking in the shadows, and can go so far as to sow discord in your marriage. It is therefore essential that you play cards on the table with your partner in order to avoid unpleasant surprises on happy days. And while you’re at it, be as honest as you can about any sexually transmitted diseases you’ve caught in the past. If you have secrets, you might as well reveal them now, that is to say before the wedding.

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The annoying point… or not. If wanting to keep your virginity until the right partner is admirable, it is better to know your half intimately before committing. If it does not stick to the bed, tensions may arise quickly. Marriage is for life. So if you don’t want to harbor lifelong regrets for having married someone who doesn’t satisfy you in bed, take the trouble to “check the content” of your gift. On good terms…

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Mots clés: #Couple #Absolutely #Married

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