A Campaign Against Early Marriage of Young Girls

Early marriage is a phenomenon that is gaining more and more of the African continent every day. Poor families marry off their teenage daughters in exchange for material goods.

This sad observation is gaining ground and this is the case of Burkina Faso. According to UNICEF statistics, in Burkina Faso, more than one out of two girls (52%) is given in marriage before the age of 18 and one out of 10 before the age of 15.

The figures are worrying and to remedy this, a campaign was launched in early July in the center-west of the country.

According to AFP, which provides the information, the campaign “Don’t call me Madame” represents a significant step in this fight that this part of the country is waging against the marriage of underage girls.

“In 2018, our services recorded complaints concerning 26 cases of marriages of minors against 21 in 2017”, indicated the provincial director in charge of women and the family in Burkina, Eric Somda.

UNICEF warns “girl brides are more likely to be out of school and victims of domestic violence, to be infected with HIV/AIDS and to die of complications during pregnancy and childbirth”.

This campaign, launched on Monday July 5, will end at the end of August. The initiators will be responsible for raising awareness of the dangers associated with early marriage.

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