A fine of 90 per day for targeted advertisements.

Facebook is ordered to pay an astronomical fine of €90,000 a day for its targeted advertising, an unprecedented sanction in this country.

Social media giant Facebook is facing a historic fine over its advertising practices. Indeed, the country has decided to impose a penalty of €90,000 per day on the platform, following a violation of the rules concerning targeted advertising.

This decision marks an important precedent in the field of personal data protection. The authorities have indeed found that Facebook uses the personal information of its users to more effectively target the advertisements presented to them. However, this practice would be contrary to the laws in force in the country in terms of respect for private life.

By imposing this daily fine of €90,000, the authorities hope to dissuade Facebook from continuing to use the personal data of its users for advertising purposes. This significant financial penalty is also intended to send a strong message to other digital platforms, reminding them of their privacy practices.

Facebook, for its part, disputes this decision and claims to respect the regulations in force in the country. The company said it takes the situation seriously and is exploring ways to appeal the fine.

This case illustrates the growing tensions between digital giants and governments when it comes to the protection of personal data. Companies must now strictly comply with privacy laws or risk severe financial penalties. Users, on the other hand, are increasingly aware of the importance of protecting their data and support the actions taken by the authorities to enforce their fundamental rights online.

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Mots clés: #fine #day #targeted #advertisements

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