A Mother Chooses Not To Scream Or Punish Her Child, Her Family Doesn’t Understand.

A mother refuses to shout and punish her child, her family does not understand

In our society, it is common to see parents resorting to authoritarian methods of education, based on punishment and shouting. However, a daring mother decided to follow a different path, refusing to scream and punish her child. Unfortunately, this decision does not seem to be welcomed by his family.

This mother, whose anonymity we will preserve, has decided to adopt a more gentle and benevolent approach towards her child. Instead of raising her voice or resorting to punishment, she chooses to favor communication and dialogue.

This decision, inspired by the conviction that verbal and physical violence is not necessary to educate a child, is not without arousing misunderstandings within his family. Those close to her believe that she is not strict enough and that she does not know how to impose clear limits on her child.

Yet this mother has done extensive research on alternative parenting methods, such as positive parenting and mutual respect. She feels that punishing or yelling at her child is not an effective long-term solution, as it does not help her understand her mistakes or build a healthy relationship with her.

This unconventional educational approach is based on empathy and mutual understanding. The mother insists on the need to listen to the child, to understand his emotions and to explain to him the consequences of his actions. She firmly believes that by giving her loving attention and modeling positive behavior, her child will be more likely to cooperate rather than disobey.

Despite criticism from her family, this mother remains confident in her approach. She says the best way to show her child how to behave is to set an example. By refusing to give in to the temptation to raise your voice or punish, she encourages the expression of emotions, open communication and the search for solutions together.

Of course, this approach requires time and patience. However, this mother is convinced that the long-term results are worth it. She already sees an improvement in her child’s behavior and a more harmonious relationship between them.

Thus, this courageous mother who refuses to shout and punish her child, despite the reluctance of her family, shows that caring and respectful education is a viable alternative to traditional methods. She proves that communication and empathy are key to building a fulfilling relationship with your child.

Ultimately, all parents should have the right to choose the best way to educate their children. It is essential to respect each other’s choices and recognize that different methods may work for different individuals.

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Mots clés: #Mother #Chooses #Scream #Punish #Child #Family #Doesnt #Understand

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