A Prophet Warns Her

Following recent statements by Roseline Layo, the prophet Elijah Paddah reacted strikingly during a live. He issued a cryptic warning to the famous artist, urging her to meet him urgently for crucial reasons.

A call for cooperation

During the live, Elie Paddah urged Roseline Layo to try to get in touch with him. He emphasized that his intention was not motivated by greed or celebrity search. He claimed that God had guided him to convey a crucial message to the artist, and that it was imperative that they meet.

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“Try to get in touch with me. Do not push me to reveal everything on the internet. God showed me these things because he loves you,” the prophet said. He added that he was friends with Jesus Christ and that his approach was aimed solely at obeying the divine will.

Élie Paddah expressed his frustration by revealing that since trying to contact Roseline, obstacles had arisen preventing him from doing so. He insisted on the importance for her to meet him and cooperate with him.

The warning of the Holy Spirit to Roseline Layo

The prophet warned the artist, pointing out that his recent outing had angered the Holy Spirit. He said a warning was issued from God in response to his words. Élie Paddah warned that if such behavior were to be repeated, other warnings would follow.

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“It’s the last time I do this kind of outing. I take Côte d’Ivoire to witness. I don’t want it to be said later that no prophet warned you. You must seek to meet me,” he declared with solemn determination.

This statement of the prophet comes after Roseline Layo expressed annoyance at prophecies about her death. She had previously asked the prophets to stop such predictions, pointing out that she had spiritual fathers who prayed for her. The question remains: will she respond to the call of the prophet Elijah Paddah? The case remains to be followed.

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Mots clés: #Prophet #Warns

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