A Specialist Explains How To Keep Her Children Safe On The Internet.

With today’s rapid technological advancement, it is essential for parents to understand how to protect their children on the Internet. We recently had the opportunity to chat with an online security expert, who shared some valuable tips.

First of all, it is important to note that the age at which a child can start using the Internet safely depends on several factors, including their maturity and their ability to understand potential dangers. However, it is recommended to wait until at least the age of 13, as stipulated by most popular social networks.

The expert points out that the first step is to make children aware of the risks of the Internet from an early age. Explain to them the different types of online threats, such as online harassment, leaking personal information, and sharing inappropriate content. Discuss with them the importance of never sharing personal information online, such as their address or phone number.

Next, it is recommended to install parental control software on devices used by children. These software allow you to filter inappropriate content, limit the time spent online and block access to certain websites. It is also necessary to keep devices for personal use out of the child’s bedroom, especially at night, to prevent abuse and Internet addiction.

Creating an open dialogue with children is also essential. Encourage them to let you know if they’re having trouble online or if they feel uncomfortable about a particular situation. Reassure them that you are there to support them and not judge them. This will encourage them to talk to you about any issues they might be facing.

Additionally, the expert stresses the importance of monitoring your children’s online activity. This does not mean invading their privacy, but rather ensuring that they are browsing safely. Know the websites they visit, the apps they use, and the people they interact with online. Let them know that it’s vital never to accept in-person dating requests from people they’ve met online.

Finally, the expert recommends setting up clear rules concerning the use of the Internet at home. For example, set a fixed time for the use of electronic devices and ensure that these limits are respected. It’s also important to educate children about the consequences of their actions online, emphasizing that what they post online can stick around indefinitely and affect their future lives.

In conclusion, the protection of children on the Internet is a primary responsibility for parents. By following this online safety expert’s advice, you can help keep your kids safe while surfing the internet. Remember that it is essential to educate your children, monitor their online activity and maintain an open dialogue with them. Together we can create a safer online environment for our children.

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Mots clés: #Specialist #Explains #Children #Safe #Internet

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