A Young Man Confessing

“I sold my father’s soul to get the baccalaureate…”: A young man confesses

The school system often puts enormous pressure on students to obtain their baccalaureate. This important stage in the life of a teenager can seem decisive for his future. While some students show determination and hard work to succeed, others are willing to go to extremes to obtain this precious sesame. This is the case of Jonathan, a young man who admits to having sold his father’s soul to obtain his baccalaureate.

In an anonymous confession, Jonathan reveals his dark secrets. “I have always lived under the shadow of my father’s success. He was a brilliant student, getting top grades and going to top schools. For him, education was paramount, and he placed high expectations on me to follow in his footsteps. But unfortunately, my grades were not up to his expectations. »

Deprived of a social life, Jonathan was determined to succeed in his studies. His obsession was such that he turned to darker methods to achieve this. “One evening, when I was in despair, I met a strange man in a dark alley. He offered me a pact. He would give me the answers to get my baccalaureate in exchange for my father’s soul. »

Jonathan, blinded by his burning desire for success, accepted the pact without hesitation. The next day, during the exam, he already knew all the answers. He thus obtained excellent grades, to the great surprise of his teachers and those around him. His father, who finally saw him succeed, was filled with pride.

“However, the more time passed, the more guilty I felt,” admits Jonathan. “I had traded my father’s soul for a piece of paper. I had betrayed his trust and his love for me. »

On graduation day, Jonathan learns that his father is seriously ill. He suddenly realizes the dire consequences of his decision. “As I was trying to find a way to redeem myself, the strange man reappeared. He told me that my father’s soul was now in his hands, but he was giving me a chance to get it back. »

Jonathan, lost and distraught, agrees to the man’s terms. He must pass all his university exams without any outside help for his father’s soul to be freed. “I will spend the rest of my days studying and asking my father for forgiveness until I pass these tests. I don’t deserve the easy success I got from this betrayal. »

Jonathan’s story is a stark reminder of the consequences of obsessing over success at all costs. She invites us to reflect on the values ​​that we must preserve, such as honesty, integrity and family love. Because, after all, true success is not measured in grades, but in the relationships and memories we share with those closest to us.

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