Abdou Karim Sall Visits Khombole Frequency Control Center

Abdou Karim Sall visits the Khombole Frequency Control Center

The Senegalese Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, Abdou Karim Sall, paid a visit to the Khombole Frequency Control Center to familiarize himself with the activities and projects underway in this institution.

Accompanied by his collaborators and officials of the center, the Minister was warmly welcomed by the staff during his visit. He stressed the importance of the work carried out by the Frequency Control Center in regulating the frequencies used by telecommunications operators in Senegal.

During the visit, Abdou Karim Sall was able to closely observe the advanced equipment used by the center to monitor and control frequencies. He also had the opportunity to talk with technicians and engineers about challenges and future projects.

The minister expressed satisfaction with the progress made by the center in implementing frequency regulation policies. He underlined the importance of guaranteeing an efficient use of frequencies to ensure a better quality of service to users and promote the development of telecommunications in Senegal.

Abdou Karim Sall also underlined the importance of strengthening cooperation and exchange of experiences between the Khombole Frequency Control Center and other similar institutions both at national and international level.

Concluding his visit, the Minister expressed his gratitude to the staff of the center for their commitment and dedication to the frequency regulation mission. He also reaffirmed his support for the future projects of the center to strengthen its essential role in the telecommunications sector in Senegal.

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