African Union Summit: The Libyan Puzzle

The Libyan crisis was the subject of fierce discussions at the African Union summit in Niamey. The continental organization should quickly submit the idea of ​​sending a joint envoy to Libya to the AU and the UN.

A week after the bombing of a migrant detention camp on July 2 in Tajoura, a suburb of Tripoli, which killed at least 53 people including six children, according to the UN, the Libyan file was in everyone’s head at the top Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU) in Niamey. After the Peace and Security Council on Thursday, it was the turn of the AU high-level committee, chaired by Denis Sassou Nguesso, to meet on Sunday 7 July.

At the head of a large delegation, Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj took part. His rival, Marshal Khalifa Haftar, was not invited. As a result, the Egyptian Abdel Fattah al-Sissi, open support of the strongman of eastern Libya who has been leading an offensive since the beginning of April to seize the capital, preferred to boycott the meeting even though he was present. inside the Palais des Congrès at the same time.

The absence of the incumbent chair of the AU was noted. To make matters worse, the Congolese Heads of State, Denis Sassou Nguesso, and Chadian, Idriss Déby Itno, were even forced to raise their voices so that the Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs finally pointed the end of his nose. Finally, the UN envoy for Libya, Ghassan Salamé, much criticized in the corridors of the AU, was not present either. The continental organization should also request in the coming days that another special envoy, this time joint to the AU and the UN, be dispatched to Libya.

“The discussions were frank and tough. Egypt favors a military solution and does not want the AU initiative. It is doing everything to torpedo it,” commented a diplomat who took part in the meeting, who specified that Moussa Faki Mahamat, the chairman of the organization’s Commission, clearly asked the participants to position themselves. “The states involved must clearly state whether they want assistance from the African Union,” continues our source.

Foreign interference was also denounced during the closed session. In addition to Egypt, Russia, France, the United States, Italy, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) each played their part. “In recent weeks, Turkey’s support has enabled Sarraj’s troops to change the balance of power. Ankara has provided weapons, drones and planes to the Government of National Unity”, explains a security source.

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Originally posted 2019-07-10 21:54:19.

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Mots clés: #African #Union #Summit #Libyan #Puzzle

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