After Emmanuel Macron’s speech, the government’s first figures

Ecological planning: the government’s first concrete measures after Emmanuel Macron’s speech

After Emmanuel Macron’s speech on the need to fight against global warming, the government announced the first quantified tracks of its ecological planning policy. These measures aim to put in place a global strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote the transition to a greener economy.

One of the key measures announced by the government concerns transport. According to the figures put forward, the government plans to devote nearly 30 billion euros over five years to developing clean transport infrastructure and promoting the use of electric vehicles. This initiative aims to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and encourage the French to adopt modes of transport that are more respectful of the environment.

With regard to housing, the government also intends to introduce ambitious measures. It is planned to allocate 20 billion euros for the energy renovation of buildings, in order to make them more energy efficient. This policy would make it possible to fight against energy poverty, improve the comfort of the inhabitants, while reducing CO2 emissions.

In addition, the government has announced increased investment in renewable energies. It is planned to devote an envelope of 40 billion euros to the energy transition by 2030. These investments will make it possible to further develop solar, wind and hydraulic energies, in particular by promoting the installation of solar panels on the roofs of public buildings.

Finally, the government also wants to implement an ambitious waste management policy. According to the figures announced, nearly 15 billion euros will be invested in the modernization of waste treatment infrastructures, in order to promote the recycling and recovery of waste. This policy aims to reduce the impact of waste production on the environment and to promote a circular economy.

These first figures show the commitment of the French government in the fight against global warming. By implementing these measures, France hopes to become an example of ecological transition. It remains to monitor the implementation of these measures to assess their real impact on the environment and on society.

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