After Kokoroko, Prof Sanda Thanked In His Turn

The University of Kara, one of the most prestigious educational institutions in Togo, is preparing to welcome its new president, Professor Kokou TCHARIE. This appointment marks a significant turning point for this renowned university, which has been brilliantly led by Professor Komla Sanda since 2016.

In this article, we will explore the exceptional career of Professor Kokou TCHARIE, a leading authority in the field of mathematical sciences, and the exciting perspectives he brings to Kara University.

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Professor Kokou TCHARIE: Champion of Mathematical Sciences

University of Kara: After Kokoroko, Prof Sanda thanked in turn

Prof Kokou Tchiare

Professor Kokou TCHARIE is an undisputed expert in the field of mathematical sciences. As a full professor of mathematics in Togolese universities, he has devoted his career to promoting this essential discipline. Despite its crucial importance in higher education and its fundamental role in employability, mathematics sometimes faces challenges in arousing the interest of students.

This is why Professor Kokou TCHARIE founded the Society of Mathematical Sciences of Togo (SSM@T). This initiative aims to motivate learners and encourage the study of mathematical sciences, as well as science subjects in general. He also holds several key positions within the University of Lomé, in particular as head of Doctoral Training in Mathematics and Applications, as well as head of the Master of Mathematics and Applications in the Department of Mathematics.

His contributions are not limited to education, as he also serves as High Commissioner for Returnees and Humanitarian Action (HCRAH) and Officer of the Order of Academic Palms.

Promotion of mathematics across Togo

University of Kara: After Kokoroko, Prof Sanda thanked in turn

Prof Kokou Tchiare

Since 2019, Professor Kokou TCHARIE has launched various national mathematics competitions, marked by the distribution of precious mathematics books to all participating students. This initiative has rekindled interest in mathematics among young people, opening the way to educational and professional opportunities.

His arrival at the head of the University of Kara is eagerly awaited, as it should reinforce the actions undertaken by his predecessor, the charismatic “president bulldozer”. University students and staff are eager to see how Professor Kokou TCHARIE will continue to shape the future of this iconic educational institution.

Professor Kokou TCHARIE brings a new vision and invaluable expertise to the University of Kara. His commitment to mathematics and education opens new perspectives for Togolese students. We can enthusiastically anticipate future developments under his able leadership.

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