Al Shabaab Executes Man For Marrying Mother And Daughter

The militant Islamist group al-Shabaab has executed a man in his 60s in southern Somalia for marrying a mother and daughter, a pro-al-Shabaab website reports.

The 75-year-old was executed on June 27 during a rally in the village of Toratorow in the Lower Shabelle region of southern Somalia. He denied having married the mother and daughter. Toratorow is one of the villages under the control of the Islamist group.

The man was accused of running away with the girl to a rural area without her guardian’s permission.

The Islamist group has repeatedly executed people suspected of committing different types of crimes, including adultery, polyandry (one woman marrying two or more men at the same time) and espionage.

On May 9, 2018, al-Shaababab stoned to death a woman accused of polyandry.

Photo credit: somalilandstandard

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