Ali Bongo About To Be Exiled?

In a statement broadcast Wednesday evening on national television, the president of the transition, General Oligui, announced astonishing news: Ali Bongo Ondimba, the ousted former president of Gabon, has regained his freedom of movement and now has the possibility to leave the country if he so wishes.

Ali Bongo, who had held power for 14 years, had been under house arrest since the August 30 military coup. This coup, surprising in its lack of violence, was carried out less than an hour after Ali Bongo’s camp announced his re-election in a ballot widely described as fraudulent by the putschists.

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Freedom for Ali Bongo?

The press release broadcast on state television indicates: “Given his state of health, the former President of the Republic Ali Bongo Ondimba is now free to move. He can, if he wishes, go abroad to carry out medical checks. »

In October 2018, Ali Bongo suffered a severe stroke which left him physically impaired. His right leg and arm were working with difficulty, which had drawn criticism from the opposition, which denounced a president unable to govern.

Comments by General Oligui Nguema

General Oligui Nguema, a few hours after the coup, declared to the newspaper Le Monde: “In Gabon, there is discontent and, beyond this discontent, there is the illness of the Head of State . Everyone talks about it, but no one takes responsibility. »

Since August 30, Bongo had been under house arrest. However, on Wednesday, he received a visit from Central African President Faustin Archange Touadera, appointed mediator by ECCAS, as well as Abdou Abarry, the representative of the United Nations Secretary General in Central Africa.

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