Amadou Ba reacts after the controversy over his candidacy

Amadou Ba, the Senegalese Minister of Economy, Finance and Planning, reacted after the heated controversy aroused by his candidacy for mayor of Dakar. Indeed, his decision to stand for municipal elections has raised many questions and criticisms.

The controversy around the candidacy of Amadou Ba is mainly based on the fact that he is currently a member of the government and holds an important position. Some, particularly in the opposition, believe that his candidacy is a violation of the principles of political neutrality when holding government office.

Faced with this controversy, Amadou Ba wanted to clarify his position. In a statement, he affirmed that his candidacy in no way represented a transgression of the ethical and political rules in force. According to him, it is perfectly legitimate for a committed citizen to stand for election, whether he is a member of the government or not.

The Minister of Economy recalled that the Constitution of Senegal guarantees all citizens the right to stand for election and to participate fully in the political life of the country. He therefore considers that his candidacy is completely legitimate from a legal point of view.

Amadou Ba also explained that his decision to run for mayor of Dakar was motivated by his desire to serve his city and its inhabitants. He believes he has the necessary skills to manage municipal affairs and contribute to the development of the capital.

Finally, the Minister assured that he would scrupulously respect the rules for resigning from his post in the event of victory in the municipal elections. He does not intend to mix his current function with that of mayor and intends to respect the separation of powers.

Despite these explanations, the controversy surrounding the candidacy of Amadou Ba persists. Some continue to criticize his choice, claiming that he will not be able to fulfill his ministerial responsibilities while being mayor of Dakar.

It is now up to the people of Dakar to decide in the next municipal elections. Amadou Ba’s candidacy will be put to the vote, and it will be up to the voters to decide whether they wish to give him their confidence to manage the affairs of the capital. The controversy surrounding his candidacy, however, highlights a need to clarify the rules and ethical principles governing the political participation of members of the government.

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