Amnesty International calls for an end to the use of LBDs by police forces

Amnesty International calls for an end to the use of LBDs by the police

In a recent report, Amnesty International called for an end to the use of defense bullet launchers (LBD) by law enforcement in France. The human rights organization has expressed serious concerns about the serious injuries caused by these weapons during demonstrations.

LBDs, also known as “flash-balls”, are often used by French police in situations of public disorder. Amnesty International says the weapons, which fire rubber bullets at high velocity, have caused serious injuries, including skull fractures and eye trauma.

The organization’s report also highlights several instances in which peaceful protesters were injured by LBD fire. This raises concerns about the proportionality of the use of these weapons by the police, as well as a possible violation of the right to freedom of expression and freedom of peaceful assembly.

Amnesty International therefore calls for an immediate and total ban on the use of LBDs by law enforcement in France. The organization calls on the French authorities to take action to put an end to these dangerous practices and to impartially investigate allegations of police brutality.

In a context where demonstrations are multiplying in France, it is essential that the fundamental rights of demonstrators be respected, in particular their right to security and physical integrity. Amnesty International urges the French government to take these concerns seriously and actively engage in ensuring respect for human rights during law enforcement operations.

It is now essential that the French authorities take action to end the use of LBDs and to ensure that police officers respect international human rights standards. Protecting peaceful protesters and upholding their rights is key to upholding the rule of law and building trust between citizens and law enforcement.

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