As A Server, Here Are “The Most Irritating Behaviors” Of Customers At The Restaurant

I am a waiter and here are the “worst habits” of customers in the restaurant

Working as a server in a restaurant can be a rewarding job, but it can also be challenging. Many servers have experienced customers who have annoying or unpleasant habits. Here is a non-exhaustive list of these “worst habits” that we servers encounter regularly.

1. Customers who don’t book and expect to be seated right away: Restaurants can get busy, especially on weeknights. However, some customers think they can arrive without a reservation and be instantly seated at a table. They do not understand that it is better to book in advance, especially if you want to have a place at a specific time.

2. Customers who are impatient: Of course, we understand that you are hungry and in a hurry. However, it is not necessary to ask us every 5 minutes about the status of your order. We do our best to serve all customers quickly, but there are times when there may be a bit of a wait.

3. Customers who are rude: Whether it’s raising their voices, making derogatory comments, or replacing the word “please” with “give me,” some people can be very rude to waiters. It is important to remember that we are human beings working hard to serve you. Politeness and respect should never be forgotten.

4. Customers who complain for no reason: We are here to satisfy you and if something is wrong with your order, we will do our best to fix it. However, some customers still find something to complain about, even though everything went well. Whether it’s to avoid paying for certain things or just to complain, it really makes our job difficult.

5. Guests Who Leave Their Tables Messy: Sure, we’re here to clean up after your meal, but that doesn’t mean you can leave your table in a horrible state. Empty plates lying around, abandoned napkins and crumbs everywhere are things we have to clean up after you leave. The least we could do would be to help us by grouping the empty plates and putting the waste in a bin.

6. Customers who don’t tip: Tipping is an integral part of a server’s salary. Of course, it is not mandatory, but it is appreciated when customers recognize our work by leaving a tip. Unfortunately, some customers don’t seem to understand this and leave without tipping a penny.

In conclusion, it is important to remember that the servers are there to serve you and make your dining experience a pleasant one. We understand that everyone has bad days, but that’s no reason to disrespect us or neglect good restaurant manners. With a little politeness and empathy towards your server, your experience will be much more enjoyable and memorable.

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Mots clés: #Server #Irritating #Behaviors #Customers #Restaurant

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