ASAME Recruits A Driver For The Benefit Of A Local Company

As part of its activities, the Agency for Monitoring and Support of Households and Businesses (ASAME) announces to the entire
population of Lomé and its surroundings that they wish to recruit a driver for the benefit of a local company.

Terms :

-Be of good character, clean and respectful;
-To have good health;
-Have an experience of at least two (02) in the field;
-Have a minimum level of EDPS;
-Living in the area of ​​AgoèLogopé and its surroundings would be an asset;
– Be at least 28 years old.

File to provide:

-A letter of request addressed to the Director of the Agency;
-A well-detailed CV;
-A photocopy of a valid identity document;
-A copy of birth and nationality;
-A copy of the driver’s license;
-A complete photo;
– A copy of the last diploma obtained and work certificates.

Applications will be submitted to the agency’s secretariat located in Djidjolé not far from the DR BAYOR clinic at the latest.
July 18, 2019 at 4 p.m.

Applications can be emailed to the following address:
[email protected]

contacts : 70 42 08 48 / 96 90 02 45

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Mots clés: #ASAME #Recruits #Driver #Benefit #Local #Company

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