Berlin Worried About Junta’s Anti-French Attitude

The anti-French attitude adopted by the soldiers who took power in Niger aroused the concern of the German government. While these soldiers recently demanded the departure of the French ambassador from their country, the German Foreign Ministry expressed its concerns about this situation.

Speaking at a regular press conference in Berlin, Christian Wagner, one of the German Foreign Ministry spokespersons, said the German government was watching with “concern” the anti-French attitude adopted by the military in Niger. This attitude was highlighted by the military’s request to see the French ambassador leave their country.

Read also: Niger can expel the French ambassador without requiring authorization

German position

Faced with this delicate situation, the German government has chosen to maintain the position of its ambassador stationed in Niamey, the capital of Niger. Christian Wagner underlined that despite the military’s requests, the German ambassador was still in Niger. He also added that Germany was in close cooperation with its partners to monitor the situation closely.

Erroneous information had circulated suggesting that the perpetrators of the coup had also called for the departure of the German ambassador. Christian Wagner confirmed that this information was false and that the German ambassador remained in post in the country. This clarification comes to demystify certain rumors which had raised questions.

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Mots clés: #Berlin #Worried #Juntas #AntiFrench #Attitude

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