Big Car Or House, What Really Matters?

The vocal lead of the famous group Magic System, A’Salfo, recently sparked a heated debate on the web by voicing his opinion on life priorities. According to him, he finds it absurd to be a tenant and to own a big car. This statement sparked mixed reactions among netizens.

In a country where success is often associated with the possession of ostentatious material goods, the Ivorian singer defended a different approach to life, advocating simplicity as the best way to live. For him, accumulating material goods is not necessarily the way to true enrichment.

A’Salfo by Magic System : simplicity as a way to enrichment

Some netizens have pointed out that this idea might be late understood by some Africans, because in their culture, priority is often given to building a house and buying a car to display their social success.

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However, A’Salfo has been supported by other netizens who have pointed out the dangers of the “have you seen me” phenomenon. This tendency to want to impress others by overspending to display an image of success and wealth has taken its toll in the country. In reality, many people find themselves in debt and unable to meet their basic needs.

“Have you seen me” in question: when appearance takes precedence over reality

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A’Salfo’s statement has been applauded by those who embrace the idea of ​​a more balanced life aware of real priorities. For them, it is important to focus on the essentials rather than give in to social pressure and the race for material goods.

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Mots clés: #Big #Car #House #Matters

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