Bishops’ Conference Recommends Lifting ECOWAS Sanctions To Support Brotherly People Of Niger

The Conference of Bishops calls for the lifting of ECOWAS sanctions to support Niger, our brother people

The Bishops’ Conference strongly supports the lifting of the economic sanctions imposed by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) against Niger, which is considered as our brother people. This statement was made at a recent meeting of Catholic bishops in the country.

The Bishops expressed their concern about the negative impact of the sanctions on the already vulnerable Nigerien population. They stressed that these restrictive measures not only have an effect on the country’s economy, but also on access to basic social services such as health, education and energy.

According to the Bishops, the people of Niger have already suffered from many difficulties such as insecurity, endemic poverty and inter-communal conflicts. Sanctions exacerbate these problems and lead to a deterioration of already fragile living conditions.

They also expressed their concern about the impact on the future of Nigerien youth, who are already suffering the consequences of the socio-economic crisis. The bishops consider that the possibility of economic development in Niger is severely hampered by these sanctions.

The Conference of Bishops has therefore called for solidarity with the people of Niger and for the lifting of ECOWAS sanctions. They stressed that dialogue and cooperation are more effective ways to solve political and socio-economic problems, rather than the imposition of sanctions which only aggravate the suffering of the people.

By supporting the lifting of sanctions, the Bishops hope this will pave the way for a peaceful resolution of the issues affecting Niger and allow the country to rebuild its economy and secure a better future for its citizens.

In conclusion, the Bishops’ Conference advocates solidarity, dialogue and cooperation to support the brotherly people of Niger and calls for the lifting of ECOWAS sanctions in order to remedy the socio-economic problems affecting the country.

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