Building collapse kills dozens

A tragic accident in Cameroon: Several people die following the collapse of a building

A terrible tragedy has befallen Cameroon, when a building collapsed, causing the death of a dozen people. This incident left the nation in shock and caused great sadness throughout the country.

The facts took place last night, in a densely populated residential area of ​​​​the capital. The building, which housed several families and businesses on the ground floor, suddenly collapsed, trapping many people under the rubble. Rescue teams were immediately dispatched to the scene to try to save lives and find any survivors, but the rescue operations proved extremely difficult.

Local authorities have begun to investigate the causes of this tragic collapse. Initial findings suggest that the construction of the building did not comply with the safety standards in force, and legal measures will be taken against those responsible for this negligence. The government has also announced that it will take steps to tighten building regulations and ensure that such incidents do not happen again in the future.

The families of the bereaved victims expressed their pain and anger at this preventable tragedy. Across the country, thousands of people gathered to pay tribute to the victims and demand justice. The country’s leaders have assured that they will do everything possible to support the families in this difficult period and obtain answers on the circumstances of the accident.

This tragedy is a reminder of the need to guarantee the safety of buildings and constructions throughout the country. Building standards must be strictly adhered to, and authorities must be vigilant in their oversight to prevent future fatalities.

In this period of national mourning, the whole country is coming together to support the families affected and to act in favor of the safety of citizens. Cameroonians hope that this incident will serve as a lesson and that stricter measures will be taken to avoid further loss of life in the future.

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Mots clés: #Building #collapse #kills #dozens

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