Camargo Foundation Residency Program In France

The Camargo Core Program is the Foundation’s flagship and historic program. Each year, an international call for applications is launched, within the framework of which 18 residents (9 artists and 9 researchers/thinkers) are selected.

The Camargo Foundation offers time and space, in a quality environment, to think, create and exchange. It accompanies the work of artists, researchers and thinkers in the fields of arts and human and social sciences. By encouraging multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches, the Foundation seeks to promote and strengthen the links between research and creation.


The Camargo Foundation invites artists, researchers and thinkers from all countries and nationalities to apply. Three main categories are available and several sub-categories for artists.

The researchers are specialists in the field of arts or human and social sciences relating to French and French-speaking cultures, or interested in cross-cultural subjects targeting the cultures and trends of the Mediterranean region. To be eligible in this category, candidates must hold a doctorate or be a doctoral student in the final stages of research or writing their thesis.

This category includes professionals and actors from cultural and creative circles (such as exhibition curators, journalists, critics, urban planners, independent researchers, etc.) engaged in a critical approach, combining research, creation and society.

  • Artists (all disciplines) –

Artists, whatever their discipline, must be the main designers of a new work or project and must provide a file presenting their past publications/performances/exhibitions, prizes or grants. The latter must demonstrate that they have completed the development of a complete and mature artistic voice. Applicants may be artists engaged in critical thinking proposing research projects. When applying, artists must choose a sub-category among the following: Visual artists / Choreographers or performers / Writers and playwrights / Video or digital artists / Composers and sound artists / Multidisciplinary artists.

Further information

  • Collaborative projects –

Teams of up to three people are also accepted, as well as multidisciplinary collaborative projects. Only one scholarship, one travel grant and one apartment with multiple bedrooms will be awarded per team. The travel grant will be used to cover the travel costs of the furthest team member in terms of distance. One team member will be designated as the official scholarship winner. Teams must include in their application file all the necessary documents for each member: CV, work samples, etc.

  • Translation projects –

Professional translators are eligible. Academic translators who meet the requirements of the “Researchers” category will be considered as such. Literary translators with a theoretical or research project are encouraged to apply as “Thinkers”. Translators whose project involves creative literature can apply as “Writers”.

Candidates applying for the first time are a priori given priority over former residents of the program. They can reapply a minimum of three years after their last participation in the Camargo Core Program.

Objectives of the residency

  • Research, experimentation and creation: candidates can apply by proposing either a specific project (writing a book, producing a work, etc.), or a field of research or a delimited field of investigation (research on a subject or specific issue with a view to writing a book or creating a work of art) on which they would like to focus during their residency. The field of research or field of inquiry must be representative of the intellectual sector in which the candidate evolves. Camargo’s main program welcomes both open explorations and more limited work or long-term projects.
  • Exchanges and network: during the residency, discussions are regularly held to allow each resident to present his project or area of ​​research to the whole group. These discussions promote interdisciplinary exchange. All residents are expected to attend these discussions. In addition, the staff of the Camargo Foundation provides formal and informal links with professionals in the region with whom residents can be put in contact. It is also possible to invite outside professionals to these moments of exchange. On a voluntary basis, residents also have the opportunity to present their work in other cultural or school structures in the region, with the help of the Foundation.

Useful information

  • Residency periods –

Camargo’s main program consists of residencies of six to eleven weeks. The dates for 2020/2021 are as follows:

  • Fall 2020: 8 weeks from September 8 to November 3
  • Spring 2021: 6 weeks from February 23 to April 6, 8 weeks from February 23 to April 20 or 11 weeks from February 23 to May 11

A weekly scholarship of 250 US$ is offered to selected candidates, as well as expenses for the round trip to Cassis. In the case of travel by air, the costs of economy tickets booked in advance are covered.

Partners and children from 6 years old can accompany residents for short stays or the entire duration of the residence. Children must be at least 6 years old and attend one of the schools in the region or be registered for activities outside the Camargo Foundation during the week. Family members whose name is mentioned in the application file only are accepted at the Foundation. Animals other than service animals registered as such are not accepted. Residents are responsible for obtaining all necessary documents and following all instructions to ensure the arrival of a service animal from a foreign country.

Further information

Click here to access the call for the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 sessions.

To apply

The call for applications for residencies in autumn 2020 and spring 2021 is open from June 26 to October 1, 2019. Click here to apply.

Online conference

An online conference will take place on September 4, 2019 to present the Program and the call to interested persons. Please visit our site in August to access the link to register.

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Originally posted 2019-07-07 15:17:48.

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