Carlsberg Foundation Research Fund, Denmark

The Carlsberg Foundation supports excellent basic research at the highest international level in the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities, carried out by Danish researchers and foreign researchers with pre-established links to Danish research environments.


The application system is open from
September 1 to October 1 at 4 p.m.
Apply here

The Carlsberg Foundation places high priority on innovative developments in Danish research as well as the internationalization of research talent and succession planning in Danish research. During the evaluation, the foundation will generally prioritize a holistic assessment of each applicant as well as visionary research projects with high potential for scientific breakthroughs.

The Carlsberg Foundation Call 2019 will be available before August.

The Carlsberg Foundation does not pay for:

  • Clinical and technical research
  • Non-scientific personnel
  • Overheads

For more information, please contact:

The Carlsberg Foundation
[email protected]
phone. +45 3343 5363

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