CCFD-Terre Solidaire Recruits Financial Management Officer Multi-country / Multi-actor Program

CCFD-Terre Solidaire recruits 01 Multi-country / multi-stakeholder program financial management officer

A historical actor of change in more than 60 countries, CCFD-Terre Solidaire acts against all forms of injustice. We work to ensure that everyone sees their fundamental rights respected: eat their fill, live with dignity from their work, live in a healthy environment, choose where to build their life…

A fairer and more fraternal world is already in action, because everyone carries within them a force for change. Our commitment to greater justice and solidarity is rooted in the social thought of the Church. Through our individual and collective action, we propose and support political and grassroots solutions.

+ than 400 partner organizations 700 international projects in 63 countries

15,000 volunteers 2.2 million beneficiaries

A position of Financial Management Officer on a one-year fixed-term contract is available within the “Support & Institutional Funding” Department of the International Partnerships Department.

THE TAPSA PROGRAM (Transition to Peasant Agroecology at the Service of Food Sovereignty):

The financial management officer for the TAPSA program works within a team of 4 people in charge of leading and managing the TAPSA program (2 co-facilitating positions for the TAPSA program and 2 financial management positions ) and in conjunction with the partnership officers of the International Partnership Department in charge of partnership monitoring in the areas.

This program – co-financed by the French Development Agency (AFD) – contributes to food sovereignty within the territories, by supporting a dynamic of mobilization and strengthening of civil societies committed to a transition towards peasant agroecology.

It supports 29 local partners in 5 geographical areas: Sahel, Great Lakes Africa, Andean countries, East Timor, Middle East, France.

The TAPSA team also relies on regional coordination (local partners) in charge of operational and financial coordination in each area.


Under the responsibility of the Head of the “Support & Institutional Funding” department, the financial management officer is responsible for ensuring the proper financial monitoring of at least two areas of the TAPSA program in compliance with donor rules. He/she is in charge of consolidating, verifying financial reports and supporting partners in the areas concerned.


  1. Ensure the financial management of certain areas of the program.
  • Support partners for the sound financial management of the program, remotely and through field missions
  • Perform the financial monitoring of the program: verification of financial reports and budget planning, alerts on budget variations and consolidation of financial reports
  • Cash management: monitoring and preparing payments to partners and other payments, monitoring donor funding.
  • Provide the TAPSA team with the financial statements necessary for the preparation of reports and/or funding requests using budgetary tools in response to donor requests.
  1. Guarantee the application of co-financing procedures and contractual donor obligations.
  • Ensure compliance with the contractual obligations of donors concerning the financial management of projects, in particular AFD.
  • Prepare and manage financial audits of the program, external controls and calls for services.
  • Support external contracts in compliance with donor procurement rules.
  1. Contribute to the capacity building process of partners in financial management.
  • Carry out the diagnosis of internal procedures and propose advice, recommendations and support measures;
  • Ensure the dissemination of information and/or training on donor regulations and procedures;
  • Support partners with financial reporting and grant application budgets.
  1. Develop expertise that can be capitalized at CCFD-Terre Solidaire.
  • Participate in working groups with CCFD-Terre Solidaire departments concerned with the financial aspects of co-financed projects.
  • Develop management tools, popularize the contractual requirements of donors.


  • Bac+4/5 type training in financial management.
  • Significant experience in a similar position within an association.
  • Good knowledge of accounting.
  • Mastery of the design and budget monitoring of development projects.
  • Knowledge of the procedures and regulations of the main international NGO donors (AFD, EU, etc.). Knowledge of AFD rules highly appreciated.
  • In-depth knowledge of Excel.
  • Experience abroad essential with local partners.
  • Rigor, method and autonomy.
  • The ability to work in a team.
  • Ability to be a force for advice and proposal.
  • Very good level in English mandatory (written and oral). Knowledge of Spanish is a plus

Specificity of the position: Availability for missions abroad (at least 4 to 5 missions of 5 to 10 days per year).


This is a one-year full-time fixed-term contract position (based on an annual package of 205 working days). The job will be located in Paris, 4 rue Jean Lantier, 75001, at the association’s headquarters.

The position is to be filled at the beginning of September 2019.

Gross annual salary: €36.2k (over 13 months), Executive status. Mutual. Meal vouchers.

Applications should be sent as soon as possible and before 12/07/2019 under the reference 787by e-mail to [email protected]

Please do not call: all candidates sending a file will receive a response.

Mots clés: #CCFDTerre #Solidaire #Recruits #Financial #Management #Officer #Multicountry #Multiactor #Program

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