Charges of Airspace Violation and Terrorist Release

Tensions peaked on Wednesday between the putschists in Niger and France, on the eve of a crucial summit of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). The Nigerien putschists have made serious accusations against France, alleging a violation of Nigerien airspace and the release of terrorists, allegations vigorously denied by Paris.

In a press release from the National Council for the Safeguarding of the Fatherland (CNSP), the putschists accuse France of fomenting a “security disorder” with the aim of “discrediting the CNSP and creating a break with the people of Niger”. They point to the unilateral release of “16 terrorist prisoners by France”, claiming that they then regrouped to prepare attacks in the region of the three borders.

In addition, the putschists claim that France violated Niger’s airspace, which had been closed the previous Sunday. A French army A-400M military transport plane reportedly took off from Ndjamena in the early hours of Wednesday morning, and according to the junta, it entered Nigerien airspace without authorization, breaking all contact for more than four hours.

Read also: Coup in Niger: France adopts a new approach

Refutation and denial by France

France categorically refutes these “unfounded accusations”. In a joint statement from the French Foreign and Defense Ministries, it is explained that the French soldiers present in Niger are there to fight terrorist groups, and that this was done at the risk of the lives of several French soldiers. France also denies allegations of unilateral release of terrorists and says the operations carried out are coordinated with Nigerien forces and authorized in writing.

As for the incident linked to the A-400M plane, Paris ensures that the flight was authorized and coordinated with the Nigerien authorities, and that a written authorization had been issued. According to France, these accusations are akin to an “attempted diversion” on the eve of the ECOWAS meeting.

Faced with this escalation of tensions, the Nigerien authorities took the decision to raise the level of alert throughout the territory. The confrontation between the Nigerien putschists and France highlights deep disagreements, thus underlining the importance of peaceful resolution and communication between the parties concerned.

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Mots clés: #Charges #Airspace #Violation #Terrorist #Release

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