Ciré Cledor Ly Announces Excellent News For Sonko

« Ciré Cledor Ly announces excellent news for Sonko »

In a recent statement, Ciré Cledor Ly, a loyal supporter of Ousmane Sonko, shared good news for the presidential candidate.

Ly revealed that Sonko now enjoys even stronger support from young people and Senegalese in general. According to Ly, the last few weeks have been marked by a real enthusiasm for Sonko’s ideas and proposals, which is reflected in a significant increase in the number of adherents to his political movement, Pastef.

Ly pointed out that more and more young people, in particular, are seduced by Sonko’s clear and bold vision for Senegal. He also highlighted Sonko’s relentless fight against corruption and injustice, which has become a priority for many voters.

Additionally, Ly noted that Sonko has enjoyed wide support from artists and cultural figures. He cited several examples of musicians, writers and actors who publicly expressed their support for Sonko and pledged to actively support him during the election campaign.

Finally, Ly referred to the strong mobilization of Sonko’s militant base throughout the country. According to him, the activists are motivated and ready to give everything to help their candidate reach the presidency of Senegal.

Ly concluded by urging all Sonko supporters to redouble their efforts and continue to work together to make this good news a reality. He also underlined the importance of remaining mobilized and continuing to sensitize voters on Sonko’s proposals and the challenges of this presidential election.

By announcing this good news, Ciré Cledor Ly gave new impetus to Sonko’s campaign and reinforced the hopes of supporters that their candidate could win the election.

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