COOPI Está Reclutando Coordinador

COOPI is recruiting 01 Coordinator

COOPI is responsible for: Country Coordinator in Bolivia

COOPI is implementing three projects in Bolivia.

  • Wirwina” is a three-country project (Perú, Bolivia, Paraguay), financed by ECHO, centralized in SAT (Servicios de Alertas Temprana). COOPI is the leader of the regional project; Actions in Bolivia are implemented through WeWorld-GVC.
  • Zicosur” is a regional project financed by the EUwhich focuses on the preservation of ecosystems in the Chaco region, which interests Paraguay, Bolivia, Argentina and Brazil.
  • Chipaya” is a national project financed by AICS (Agenzia Italiana para la Cooperación al Desarrollo): in consortium with GVC (Gruppo di Volontariato Civile), ASPEm (Associazione Solidarietá Paesi Emergenti), CEBEM (Centro Boliviano de Estudios Multidisciplinario), el Gobierno Autónomo Municipal de Chipaya, AITR (Associazione Italiana di Turismo Responsabile) y la Cátedra UNESCO en déarrollo sostenible y gestión del territorio de la Universidad de Turin.

Now, in July 2019, a new three-year project with AICS was approved, which will focus on the management of solid waste, in La Paz, in coordination with the Autonomous Municipal Government of La Paz (GAMLP). The project will be released in September 2019.


Coordinate programs in Bolivia, supervise the execution of projects, coordinate with local cooperation actors and partners.

Responsibilities and activities

  • Legal liability of the delegation in Bolivia.
  • Coordination and monitoring de las actividades desarrolladas en los programs AICS, UE, ECHO.
  • Represent the organization in the country in the coordination spaces (COIBO, Equipo Humanitario País), maintain and resolve the ordinary relations and the coordination with current donors (AICS, UE, ECHO) and possible (agencias de NN.UU., private sector), the co-parts local and los programmatic socios and institutional involucrados.
  • Coordinating the identification and formulation of new proposals from projects and interventions to desarrollarse en el país.
  • Selection, supervision and monitoring of the functions and activities carried out by expatriate personnel (in coordination with the Regional Coordination) and local personnel (autonomously) that operate in the different programs.
  • In case necessary, training on the job of the personal that operates in the country.
  • Exclude any defects inherent to the responsibilities of the person requested by the Area Manager and the definitions of the community involved, depending on the context and necessities of the intervention.

Periodic updates of:

  • Country regulations,
  • Safety plan,
  • Herramientas de programming stratégica anual,
  • Operational plan.

Coordination of the redacción of los documents relating to the ejecución of los programs/proyectos:

  • Periodic operating plans and eventual integrations and modifications,
  • Coordination of the elaboration of intermediate and final information in collaboration with project coordinators, administrative personnel and referents in the regional decentralized office (ROLAC/Lima) and central (HQ/Milán),
  • Requests for possible modifications to be approved for payment and donations,
  • Production and distribution of informative materials.

Administrative responsibilities and functions

  • In coordination with the project coordinators and administrators, they compile the relevant gas forecasts and the identification of financial needs (tesorería) for the opportunity ejecución of the interventions in the country,
  • Supervision of administrative and logistical tasks in the capital, monitoring of internal processes of the organization and donors,
  • Supervise the archive of the technical and financial documentation relating to the ejecución of the interventions.

Deseado profile

Necessary Requirements

  • Estudios universitarios y/o relevant experiencia demonstrable en Cooperación Internacional, Ayuda Humanitaria, Ciencias Sociales/Políticas y/o aims.
  • Por lo menos 8 años de experiencias previas de trabajo con organizations de cooperación y/o ayuda humanitarian.
  • Por lo menos 3 años de experiencia previa de trabajo en roles similares.
  • Experiences previa de manejo de procedimientos AICS, UE, ECHO.
  • Inter-institutional and inter-agency coordination skills (diplomacy).
  • Capacidades de interactuar con las autoridades locales y los otros actors involucrados en los programs.
  • Interested, available and working experience in multicultural environments.
  • Flexibility, adaptability and availability of frequent travel in the project areas.
  • Autonomous work capacity (organization, work planning, analytical analysis).
  • Respect for the Vision and Mission of COOPI.
  • Motivation, honestidad, actitud pro-activa y resolutiva, sentido común, discretion.
  • Actitud and spirit of working as a team (communication and coordination).
  • Capability in systematization of processes and elaboration of documents and information.
  • Imprescindible languages: castellano e inglés.
  • Computer management (Microsoft Windows operating system) and computers (Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook).
  • Immediate availability.

Required Requirements

  • Work experience and knowledge of COOPI’s internal processes.
  • Understanding the socio-political, environmental and anthropological context of Bolivia.
  • Experiencia previa de trabajo en Bolivia.
  • Licenses to drive a vehicle.

Mots clés: #COOPI #Está #Reclutando #Coordinador

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