COOPI Recruits Doctor Gynecologist

COOPI recruits 01 Doctor Gynecologist

COOPI in Niger

COOPI’s mission in Niger is part of COOPI’s mission worldwide: to cooperate in the fight against poverty through the commitment, motivation, determination and professionalism of employees in the field. The strategy is thus based on: close collaboration with the authorities and local civil society partners; coordination and consultation with humanitarian and development actors in Niger (international institutions and NGOs).

COOPI has been present in Niger since 2012 with a coordination office in Niamey, and field bases in Diffa, Agadez, Dosso and Tillabéry. Currently, COOPI works in the Diffa region in the sectors of protection, mental health, and education in emergency situations, in Niamey and Agadez in mixed migration with the management of passage cases and psychosocial support. refugees and migrants, in the district of Tillabéry through an intervention in the field of nutrition, in Dogon Doutchi through a project in the field of food security. The main donors are the EU, ECHO, Swiss Cooperation, Italian Cooperation (AICS), OFDA and United Nations agencies (UNHCR, UNICEF).

Project description

The project aims to meet the humanitarian needs of populations affected by the Lake Chad conflict and vulnerable migrants on the migratory route to Libya. It focuses on two components: 1. An integrated approach to mental health, education and protection in the Diffa region (departments of Goudoumaria, Mainé Soroa, N’Guingmi, N’Gourti, Diffa, Bosso), aimed at ensuring the protection and to promote the resilience of populations affected by the protracted crisis, through support for community-based protection mechanisms and basic social services, by promoting the involvement of beneficiary communities; and 2. Mental health support and protection for migrants in Niamey, Agadez and the Arlit – Damasak and Dirkou – Séguedine axis, to meet the needs of the most vulnerable migrants with psychosocial and mental health problems, through the strengthening specialized care services and capacity building for state services.

He/she will be based in Diffa, in the base (house/office) of COOPI, with regular trips to the field. The period of activity is defined by the employment contract. The Gynecologist supervises the team of nurses and works in close coordination with the GBV team, as well as with the Protection Program Officer and the GBV Specialist of the coordination office in Niamey.

Under the supervision of the Project Manager, the Gynecologist’s main objective is to ensure the quality of the intervention of the GBV component of the project.


  • Supervision of medical actors in the field of care for victims of GBV;
  • Capacity building (training and coaching) of health center staff on the management of GBV cases;
  • Participation in human resource capacity building in the field of GBV (prevention and response);
  • GBV-related needs assessment and planning of the intervention in collaboration with the project manager, the field coordinator and the GBV specialist;
  • Participation in the development and finalization of tools for managing and monitoring GBV activities;
  • Production of monthly reports on the progress of activities;
  • Contribution to the drafting of project reports with regard to the GBV component;
  • Participation in project coordination meetings.

Candidate profile


  • Medical degree specialized in Gynecology;
  • Proven track record in capacity building, mentoring and staff development;
  • Good editorial quality;
  • Good capacity for data production and analysis;
  • Ability to manage teams;
  • Good computer skills, particularly Microsoft Office and several other commonly used software;
  • Strong organizational capacity and ability to make decisions independently;
  • Ability to work in an unstable environment and manage stress;
  • Ability to work in a multicultural environment with very diverse personalities;
  • Understanding of humanitarian protection principles and standards;
  • Excellent command of the French language, both written and spoken, essential.


  • Similar experience;
  • Familiarity with child protection and MHPSS frameworks and approach;
  • Significant experience in emergency contexts;
  • Familiarity with national and international standards and guidelines for GBV programming and coordination.

COOPI reserves the right to close a recruitment before the expiry date of the announcement. Thank you for your understanding.

COOPI is an Italian, independent and secular non-governmental organization committed to the fight against social injustice and poverty in the South of the world and to the construction of a future in which good living conditions, respect rights and equal opportunities. Since 1965, COOPI has carried out more than 600 development projects and emergency interventions in 50 countries, employing more than 30,000 local operators and providing direct benefit to more than 50 million people. In Africa, Latin America, Asia and Eastern Europe, COOPI promotes access to water and the right to health and education for the poorest communities. COOPI also provides immediate and long-term assistance to populations affected by wars or natural disasters.

Mots clés: #COOPI #Recruits #Doctor #Gynecologist

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