COOPI Recruits Educator

COOPI is recruiting 01 Educator

COOPI is looking for: Educator in Niger

  • COOPI in Niger COOPI has been present in Niger since 2012; a coordination office in Niamey, active bases in Diffa, Agadez, Dosso and Tillabéri. Since 2014, COOPI has been committed to responding to various crises such as that of Lake Chad, the border with Mali and Burkina Faso, food insecurity, malnutrition and the problem of asylum seekers, refugees and displaced persons. COOPI Niger operates with the financial support of the European Union delegation, ECHO, UN agencies (UNHCR, UNFPA, UNICEF, FAO, UNICEF), USAID/OFDA and SDC.
  • As of 2019, the humanitarian situation in Niger remains marked by five major crises: food insecurity, malnutrition, population displacements, floods and epidemics. Ongoing interventions are targeting protection, emergency education, mental health, food security, the fight against malnutrition and disaster risk reduction in various areas of Niger. The target beneficiaries are the most vulnerable people such as children, women, people with disabilities, the elderly who find themselves between the displaced, asylum seekers, refugees and those who live in the most rural areas. set back.


L’Educator will have to establish a close relationship between the staff and the stakeholders who participate in the activities of the beneficiaries. He/she must also create and maintain a sense of community between beneficiaries and staff.

The purpose of this position is behavior modification and recovery for people in distress.

Its role will affect different levels:

  • Individual/interpersonal level : conducting individual education/rehabilitation interviews; direct relationship, both stable and continuous, and advice;
  • Level of group sessions : carrying out educational / re-education activities for groups;
  • Level of organization / management of education / rehabilitation interventions: planning and management, coordination and implementation of education / rehabilitation projects.

In addition he/she will be in charge of:

  • Do the monitoring the presence of residents in the passage huts of Niamey, Agadez and the Humanitarian Center (located 50 km from Niamey) according to the categories of belonging (unaccompanied children, men, women, women with children, sick), nationalities and date of arrival;
  • Coordinate with staff from COOPI the organization of daily life in the transit huts;
  • Report any issues who can influence the program, the beneficiaries and any other course of the operation;
  • Suggest improvement or innovative approaches.


  • Contribute to the preparation and drafting of project activity reports (monthly, quarterly, final, etc.) of quality and in line with contractual rules;
  • Maintaining and sharing an internal reporting plan to ensure timely submission of all reports;
  • In collaboration with the project manager, validation and transmission of technical reports to donors in accordance with procedures and deadlines;
  • Collect lessons learned and set up case studies to inform future programming and strategic directions.


  • Collection, sharing and archiving of project and other documents as needed;
  • Support for resource mobilization;
  • Facilitation of knowledge sharing and skills development;
  • Possible missions to Agadez;
  • Any other task necessary for the proper functioning of the program requested by the Project Manager, Program Manager and/or the Head of Mission.

Candidate profile

  • Degree in Science or Education or equivalent degree in related sciences;
  • At least five years of experience as a professional educator in the reception sector / local services (minors, migrants, drug addicts);
  • Solid knowledge of the subject of addiction;
  • Integration experience required in residential environments;
  • Excellent knowledge of the written and spoken French language;
  • Optimal capacity for continuing education and identifying coordinating activities;
  • Experience in report writing.

Transversal skills

  • Group management competition;
  • Strong motivation and willingness to work in a multidisciplinary team;
  • Analytical abilities and skills;
  • Ability to work under pressure, independently and in an often uncomfortable environment;
  • Ability to work in a team and independently.


  • Experience in developing countries, particularly in Africa, will be appreciated.

Mots clés: #COOPI #Recruits #Educator

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