COOPI Recruits Program Manager

COOPI is recruiting 01 Program Manager

COOPI is looking for: Program Officer in Niger

  • COOPI has been implementing humanitarian and development actions in Niger since 2012. Currently COOPI’s sectors of intervention in Niger are: protection, health, education, food security and nutrition. The coordination of activities is based in Niamey and bases are open in the countries in the regions of Agadez, Diffa, Dosso and Tillaberi. In terms of donors, COOPI works mainly with the delegation of the European Union, ECHO, Italian Cooperation, Swiss Cooperation and UN agencies, including UNFPA, WFP, UNICEF.


  • The, the Program Manager will be responsible for supervising current projects, writing interim and final narrative reports, writing new projects as well as relations with donors and partners. He/She will be under the direct responsibility of the Head of Mission.
  • He/She will directly manage the Coordination Assistant, particularly for the monitoring and reporting aspects.
  • Travel in the country is planned according to needs within the framework of technical support and monitoring of activities. Each base has specific security measures that must be strictly followed.


  • M&E support : support for monitoring and regular evaluation of ongoing projects in Niger through: regular evaluation missions in the field, supervision of activity monitoring reports produced by project managers;
  • Supervision activities carried out by partners;
  • Writing new projects, under the coordination of the head of mission and in liaison with the Milan headquarters, search for local partners and initial feasibility analysis of new proposals;
  • Participation in fundraisingon the guidance of the Head of Mission, and analysis of the strategy of the various donors present in Niger;
  • Information facilitation and documentation project between coordination and base staff;
  • Institutional relations : maintaining good relations with all partners as a whole and participating in meetings with donors, partners, clusters, national authorities, UN agencies and other actors in the humanitarian sector and civil society;
  • Planning : regular updating of country planning tools in conjunction with the COOPI desk and/or headquarters and in collaboration with the Head of Mission;
  • Communication and visibility : support for the implementation of COOPI’s communication and visibility tools in Niger;
  • Coordination support country as necessary (administration, logistics, human resources);
  • Support to the Head of Mission: collect and/or transmit all information requested by the Head of Mission.

Candidate Profile


  • Studies in Political Sciences, International Development or Humanitarian Aid or related fields;
  • Professional field experience in development cooperation/humanitarian aid and/or in the preparation of project proposals of at least 3 years, preferably in African countries;
  • Knowledge of the project cycle, the world of humanitarian aid and development cooperation;
  • Ability to work in a team and in a multicultural environment;
  • Excellent relational and communication skills;
  • Good command of common software (Word, Excel, Power Point);
  • Excellent command of the French language, written and spoken, and good knowledge of the English language;
  • Excellent writing skills.

Transversal skills

  • Sense of organization and teamwork, flexibility;
  • Ability to work under pressure, independently and in an often uncomfortable environment.


  • Respect for COOPI values/mission.
  • Previous experience with COOPI and knowledge of its procedures.

Mots clés: #COOPI #Recruits #Program #Manager

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