COOPI Recruits Regional Coordinator

COOPI is recruiting a Regional Coordinator M/F.Description
The Regional Coordinator (RC) represents COOPI and supports the Organization’s intervention in the geographical area of ​​competence, ensuring that COOPI’s mission and vision are respected in national strategies and in the implementation of programs and projects.

He/She is also responsible for all the Organization’s activities in the countries of the region and promotes relations with the various national and international actors. He/She carries out periodic monitoring missions to the Country and Program Coordinations.

He/She participates in the Headquarters Strategy Committee.
He/She defines and proposes to Management the regional strategy, the strategy of the countries concerned and the corresponding action priorities.
He/She collaborates with the Country Coordinators in identifying project activities with the various donors.
He/She guarantees, in the Countries of his/her competence, the application and control of the procedures of the organization and of the Internal Regulations, the respect of the ethical principles, the tools for the fight against corruption and the prevention of abuse, the correct implementation of projects, in particular with regard to actors and beneficiaries, and compliance with procedures established by donors.
In addition, he/she is responsible for coordination management, coordination and Country economic results and Human Resources management.
Responsibilities of the Regional Coordinator
Institutional Relations

He/She develops and encourages relations with the various local and international actors present in the geographical area: donors, institutions, authorities, international and national NGOs, local partners, in order to ensure the best possible management of ongoing activities and the identification of new programs / possible interventions in accordance with the strategies defined with the countries and the headquarters.
He/She coordinates with the Management the development of relations with stakeholders in Italy and Europe.
Program Strategy and Planning

He/She defines and proposes to the organization the development and updating of zone and country strategies and he ensures, with the Country Coordinators, the development and periodic updating of the respective strategic planning documents. and operational plans.
He/She guarantees systematic monitoring of the operational plan of the Coordination and of the Countries of competence.
Monitoring and management of projects/programs

He/She supervises the development, writing and preparation of the documentation necessary for the presentation of new projects, referring to the support offices at headquarters.
He/She ensures, for the countries of his/her competence, the sending of all official project documentation (contracts, official correspondence, narrative and financial reports, agreements with partners, etc.) and all monitoring documentation requested by headquarters.
Administrative and financial management

He/She is responsible, with the support of the competent offices, for the analyzes of the provisional and final budget and of the financial and economic functioning of the Countries of his/her competence (preparation of the annual budget and revisions).
Human Resources Management
In coordination with the Human Resources office and the Country Coordinators abroad, He/She ensures the selection and recruitment of expatriate staff for which He/She establishes the contractual amount (the ToRs, the mission plan at headquarters and in the country the contractual amount, the security and any benefits).
He/She accompanies the selection process in coordination with the Human Resources office and participates in interviews for the evaluation of candidates.
He/She controls the correct flow of expatriate human resources management documents and between the headquarters and the competent countries: He/She activates and concludes the negotiation process, He supervises the process of preparing, signing and sending the contract .
In coordination with the dedicated support offices, He/She participates in the definition of the training plan for selected staff and the performative evaluation process.
He/She supervises the country coordination in the management of competent local and expatriate staff and in the correct application of security procedures.

He/She supervises the security situation in the countries concerned in contact with the country coordinators and takes the necessary decisions in crisis situations in coordination with the competent offices at headquarters.
He/She ensures contact with the UN agencies dealing with security in the countries of competence.
Institutional communication
He/She collaborates with the Communication office to promote and coordinate the visibility and communication activities of the organization in the geographical area of ​​his/her competence.
He/She monitors the application of the guidelines defined in the Institutional Communication Manual in the competent countries.
Internal procedures and relations (Headquarters – Country)

In coordination with the competent offices at headquarters, He / She ensures the drafting and updating of country regulations and security procedures in accordance with COOPI’s internal procedures.
He/She monitors compliance with donor procedures and contractual constraints as well as COOPI management procedures.
Candidate profile
University or post-university training in Development Economics, Management, Social Sciences, Political Sciences or other relevant profiles, or mix of training and equivalent experience;
10 years’ experience in project management in precarious or post-conflict security contexts;
Excellent knowledge of the Project Cycle;
Mastery of the procedures of the main Donors (European Commission, USAID, UNDP, ECHO etc.);
Knowledge and experience in project writing and monitoring and evaluation methodology desirable;
Excellent knowledge of the French and English language essential;
Excellent knowledge of MS Office package.
Soft Skills

Great sense of organization, ability to make decisions independently, responsibility;
Very good problem-solving attitude and versatility;
Strong leadership and diplomacy;
Ability to manage stress;
HR management capacity;
Ability to work in a multicultural environment with very different personalities;
Demonstrated ability to work in a team.

Knowledge of the Italian language.

Mots clés: #COOPI #Recruits #Regional #Coordinator

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