Death of Geneviève De Fontenay, this Miss who visited her regularly.

Death of Geneviève de Fontenay, this Miss who came to see her regularly

France today mourns the loss of an emblematic figure of French beauty: Geneviève de Fontenay. Anyone who didn’t know her by name recognized her at first glance thanks to her very particular style, her asymmetrical hat and her oversized glasses.

Geneviève de Fontenay was much more than just an elegant woman. She was the spokesperson for beauty, elegance, but above all made in France charm. She has devoted her whole life to the promotion of women, in particular by creating the Miss France pageant and leading the committee for many years.

But what made Geneviève de Fontenay so special was her devotion to the Misses. She was not content to accompany them during elections and official representations, she went well beyond her duties by encouraging them and supporting them in their careers.

Geneviève de Fontenay was known for her kindness and her unconditional support for the young women who had the honor of wearing the crown of Miss France. She considered them as her own daughters and had a special relationship with them. She came to see them regularly, taking an interest in their life, their journey and their projects.

Some Misses have even had the opportunity to become close to Geneviève de Fontenay and to benefit from her experience and valuable advice. She always knew how to find the right words to comfort, encourage and guide them throughout their mandate and well beyond.

The news of his death aroused a wave of emotions among the former Miss France. They have lost a mother figure, a confidante and a friend. Geneviève de Fontenay left an indelible mark on their lives, and they will always remember the regular visits of this extraordinary woman.

Geneviève de Fontenay’s legacy is not limited to beauty contests. She has also participated in many charitable actions and is committed to women and their rights. She has always defended the values ​​that were dear to her with unwavering fervor and determination.

Today, the country pays tribute to this icon of French beauty, to this woman who knew how to breathe grace and generosity into the world of Miss contests. May she rest in peace, knowing that she has made an invaluable contribution to French society and will forever remain in our hearts.

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Mots clés: #Death #Geneviève #Fontenay #visited #regularly

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