Delta Police PRO raises alarm over increasing rate of suicide as man and teenage girl hang selves

The Delta State Police Public Relations Officer (PRO) has raised an alarm over the increasing rate of suicide in the state, following the tragic deaths of a man and a teenage girl who were found hanging in separate incidents.

The PRO, who spoke to the press on condition of anonymity, expressed deep concern over the rising number of suicides in the state. He emphasized the need for urgent intervention to address the root causes of this alarming trend.

The first incident involved a middle-aged man who was found hanging in his residence. According to reports, the man had been battling depression and financial stress, which may have contributed to his decision to take his own life.

In the second incident, a teenage girl was found hanging in her family home. It is suspected that the girl may have been struggling with mental health issues, as there were no apparent external factors that could have led to her decision to end her life.

The Delta Police PRO lamented the devastating impact of these suicides on the families and communities of the deceased. He emphasized the need for increased awareness and support for mental health issues, as well as access to mental health services for those in need.

Suicide is a complex issue with multifaceted causes, including mental illness, societal pressures, and personal struggles. It is a tragedy that affects not only the individual who takes their own life, but also their loved ones and the wider community.

The Delta Police PRO called on the government, NGOs, and civil society organizations to work together to address the underlying factors that contribute to the growing rate of suicide in the state. He stressed the importance of providing support and resources for those in crisis, as well as promoting mental health awareness and education.

It is evident that the issue of suicide requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders to prevent further loss of life and to provide support for those in need. The Delta Police PRO’s call to action serves as a reminder of the urgent need to prioritize mental health and suicide prevention efforts in the state and beyond. Only through collective intervention and support can we hope to reverse this troubling trend and prevent further tragedies.

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