Diam’s Openly Confides: “I Was Pregnant At The Time”

Diving into the depths of his past, the former singer Diam’s opens his heart with touching sincerity to his faithful admirers.

An emotional past: Diam’s evokes his period of divorce

The emblematic figure of music, delivers with an open heart on a particularly trying period of his life. The singer reveals that her divorce from her daughter’s father was a heartbreaking ordeal. While pregnant at the time, she was going through deep pain, but remained hopeful that things would get better despite her suffering silence.

“My divorce from my daughter’s father was an extremely painful time for me.

I loved her dearly and was pregnant at the time. Despite my silent pain, I kept hope that things would work out.

Read also: Diam’s: an exclusive documentary on “its hidden side

Fortunately, I crossed paths with my husband who gave me invaluable support. Today we are the parents of a boy and I don’t regret the choices I made.

Music remains a passion ingrained in my mind, but my spiritual quest for God is insatiable,” said told Diam’s.

Invaluable Support and the Spiritual Quest

Despite the hardships, Diam’s shares how she crossed paths with her current husband, who gave her invaluable support. The former singer reveals that today they are the proud parents of a boy. She expresses that she does not regret the choices she made, although the road was strewn with pitfalls.

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Music, which was for a long time a dominant passion in rapper’s life, continues to echo in his mind. However, the artist also confides his inextinguishable spiritual quest towards God. It reveals a deeper and inner facet of his life, showing that his personal growth remains a constant priority.

In these touching confidences, Diam’s shares a snippet of her emotional journey, reminding everyone that inner strength and unexpected support can be the keys to overcoming the toughest trials.


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