Discover Neighborhoods to Avoid At Night

Lomé “the beautiful”, the Togolese capital, is a city rich in social and cultural diversity. Prosperous neighborhoods rub shoulders with less advantaged areas, creating a striking contrast. In this article, we’ll guide you through some of Lomé’s neighborhoods, with a focus on safety, so you can enjoy your visit with peace of mind.

Hanukkah: A Safe Option

Located near the rotunda (police station) and well-lit areas, Hanoukopé is relatively safe, even at night. You can walk around this neighborhood with confidence. However, avoid venturing near the Cheminots terrain, commonly called “Akassimé”, after dark, as it can be very dangerous.

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Katanga: To be avoided at night

Katanga, a district located behind the Autonomous Port of Lomé, is infamous for its lack of electricity and its bad reputation. With around 30,000 inhabitants, mainly local fishermen and homeless people, it is strongly recommended not to venture there at night due to the insecurity that reigns there.

Kodjoviakopé: Be careful

Although Kodjoviakopé has seen the birth of celebrities such as Adébayor Sheyi, Mic Flammez and Pikaluz, it remains a risk area. Violence and the sale of drugs, particularly hashish (Gbékui), are common here. Be careful if you find yourself in this area.

Déckon/Santana Kpédji: The “Corridor of Hell”

Déckon/Santana Kpédji is often referred to as the “corridor of hell”. It is mainly inhabited by young hustlers and hustlers, and is known for prostitution and drug trafficking. Slums also serve as hostels for these activities. Avoid this area at night at all costs.

Agbadahônou: A presence to watch

Although Agbadahônou is not known for high crime, it has a significant concentration of immigrants wandering the streets, which can make it unsafe at night. The main activities include prostitution, drug sales and theft. Be careful if you venture into this area after dark.

Safety tips

– Avoid walking alone at night, especially in neighborhoods known to be dangerous.
– Do not carry valuable items with you when exploring these areas.
– Lomé is largely safe, but vigilance remains essential.

We hope this article has provided you with useful information for your visit to Lomé. Enjoy this welcoming city in complete safety.

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