Donald Trump Confesses: “I Have A Gun”

Former President of the United States, Donald Trump, an accomplished businessman before becoming president, recently made an unexpected confession during a television show. Asked about possession of a firearm, he confirmed that he had one and that he held a firearms license.

A confidence surprising Donald Trump

This revelation came during an interview, where Trump was confronted with the question of whether he owned a gun. Without hesitation, the former president answered in the affirmative by declaring: “I have a weapon in my possession”. He also clarified that he held a firearms license, legally allowing him to own a firearm.

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In the end, this confidence of the former president raises questions and piques public interest, while fueling the conversation about gun culture in the United States.

Enigmatic reaction to the question

This statement sparked the intrigue of the interview presenter, who pushed it further by asking Trump “What are you doing with your weapon? “. However, the former president’s response was cryptic, as he retorted: “It’s none of your business,” leaving the use of his weapon shrouded in mystery.

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The revelation of the possession of a weapon by Donald Trump raised questions about gun policy and regulation in the United States, as well as why a former president would maintain such ownership. However, Trump gave no further details, leaving that question unanswered.

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Mots clés: #Donald #Trump #Confesses #Gun

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