DSF Recruits 01 Admin/Log/HR Coordinator / Mozambique

The Administrative and Logistics Coordinator ensures the proper functioning of the administration and the proper management of mission funds and human resources. He is the guarantor of compliance with rules and procedures. The Administrative and Logistics Coordinator works under the responsibility of the National Director and in collaboration with the Administrative and Financial Manager based at headquarters. His activities and responsibilities are as follows:

1. Accounting and administrative management

-Ensure that DSF works in accordance with the laws in force

-Centralize and check the accounts of the mission

– Supervise the expenses and the maintenance of all the cash registers of the mission

-Ensure proper archiving of accounting and administrative documents

-Manage all mission cash and prepare cash requests for headquarters

– Train the administrative teams in the proper application of all internal procedures

-Ensure the follow-up of legal files, in connection with the legal adviser and the National Director

– Prepare the annual and half-yearly closing of the accounts

2. Financial management

-Manage and monitor all budgets

-Ensure the proper use of funds, in accordance with financing contracts and DSF procedures

-Develop new budgets related to project proposals

– Establish financial reports

-Prepare and support project-related audits

-Develop the annual program

-Ensure the management of budgets, analysis of gaps and recommendations

3. Logistics management

– Set up a purchasing circuit and the related documents and train the different people in its use

– Supervise the logistics team in carrying out project purchases and in the logistics management of activities.

– Participate in the monitoring of the work of the premises made available within the hospitals to accommodate the project teams

-Ensure compliance with donor and DSF logistics procedures

4. Human ressources

-Improve administrative management tools in Human Resources

-Ensure that the HR policy defined by DSF and all the procedures related to human resources are known and respected by the national and expatriate team

-Coordinate all recruitments carried out on the mission

– Centralize data related to personnel management and supervise the monitoring of employment contracts and the payment of salaries

-Capitalize training needs and participate in the implementation of training for national employees

-Update the organization chart of the mission and contribute to its implementation (definition of job profiles, etc.) in conjunction with the national director.

5. Coordination and representation

– Participate in internal coordination meetings at the mission and propose relevant adaptations vis-à-vis the general functioning of the mission.

– Maintain and develop good working relations as well as good visibility of the association with civil authorities, donors and other humanitarian actors

-Represent the association in inter-NGO admin coordination meetings

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