Elodie Gossuin Ravaged By The Death Of Geneviève De Fontenay, She Sends Her A Touching Message

Elodie Gossuin upset by the death of Geneviève de Fontenay, she sends him a new message

The sad news of the death of Geneviève de Fontenay has shaken many French personalities, including the former Miss France, Elodie Gossuin. Deeply upset by this news, Elodie wanted to send her a last message, paying tribute to this great lady of French beauty.

Geneviève de Fontenay, an undeniable icon of beauty pageants, was known for her attachment to and unwavering defense of French elegance and femininity. Her disappearance leaves a great void in the world of Miss France, but she remains forever in the hearts of all those she has touched over the years.

Elodie Gossuin, who was elected Miss France in 2001, was marked by the strong personality and convictions of Geneviève de Fontenay. She publicly expressed her sorrow and her immense respect for this exceptional woman. In a touching message, Elodie underlined the legacy left by Geneviève de Fontenay, who knew how to magnify beauty and give a real dimension to this title of Miss France.

“Geneviève, you were a great lady of beauty, a timeless icon. You have always been able to defend the values ​​that make up French beauty: elegance, charm and class. You were my role model and your unwavering support will forever be etched in my memory,” said Elodie.

She also wanted to thank Geneviève de Fontenay for all that she brought to the world of Miss France and for having allowed many women to access this prestigious title. “You have left an indelible mark on the world of beauty pageants. Your passion and dedication opened many doors for women who dreamed of representing France. We will be eternally grateful to you, ”she added with emotion.

Elodie concluded her message by assuring that Geneviève de Fontenay will continue to inspire future generations of Miss France and that she will forever remain an emblematic figure of French beauty. “We will never forget you, Geneviève. Your legacy will endure and we will continue to pay tribute to you at each Miss France election. Rest in peace, our queen of Misses, ”she concluded.

The disappearance of Geneviève de Fontenay leaves a huge void in the world of Miss France. Her commitment to French elegance, her defense of natural beauty and her intransigence in preserving this heritage make her an exceptional woman. The tributes paid to her, such as that of Elodie Gossuin, testify to the impact she had on the lives of many people, and to her unforgettable contribution to the world of French beauty pageants.

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