Emmanuel Macron Wants To Conquer Space For The Security Of France

The French president did not go through four ways to announce his intention. He wants France to be able to go into space for defense reasons. A dedicated space command will be set up and will be of paramount importance for military operations.

The Head of State promised in the process that “the budgetary effort for our defense will be kept”. Allusion made to the Military Programming Law 2019-2025 which provides for a substantial increase in the envelope allocated to the armies.

“To ensure the development and reinforcement of our space capabilities, a major space command will be created next September,” announced the President. Eventually, this army will become the “air and space force”.

Space is thus perceived as a “genuine national security issue, through the conflict it arouses”. Like Emmanuel Macron, many presidents do not hide their space ambitions.

The race has only just begun. China, the United States and Russia are getting ahead.

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Originally posted 2019-07-15 12:29:30.

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Mots clés: #Emmanuel #Macron #Conquer #Space #Security #France

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