Expertise France Recruits 01 Professional Training And Integration Expert

Expertise France recruits 01 Professional Training and Integration Expert

Despite significant natural resources, a large part of the population of Congo lives in a situation of great poverty and certain social groups remain highly vulnerable. Faced with this observation, the Government has drawn up a new poverty reduction strategy which attaches major importance to the issue of social inclusion.

This strategy has begun to materialize with the development of a National Social Action Policy document (PNAS -2018-2022) whose implementation has been entrusted to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Humanitarian Action (MASAH ). The central objective of the PNAS is to provide a non-contributory social protection floor to the entire population. In Congo, social action is based on the prevention, protection, care and promotion (4-P) approach. However, these different components remain underdeveloped, in particular the promotion component aimed at the economic empowerment of vulnerable populations to ensure a sustainable exit from poverty.

The PNAS comes up against many difficulties: the magnitude of the challenge posed by poverty in the country, limited and ineffective social transfer and support mechanisms for vulnerable groups, a lack of qualified personnel, insufficient means, in particular in terms of statistical data.

In this context and thanks to the 2th Debt Reduction and Development Contract (C2D), AFD is supporting the operational implementation of the PNAS on the basis of assistance in the order of 10 million Euros. It is dedicated to a pilot project whose main axes have already been identified with MASAH, particularly interventions aimed at the productive inclusion of vulnerable populations and focusing on the following priorities:

  • The definition and implementation, on a pilot scale, of a set of measures intended to enable the economic empowerment of vulnerable populations.
  • The implementation of a National Social Action Information System (SNIAS).
  • Capacity building for MASAH to enable it to take charge of the devices tested under the project over the long term

The implementation of the project is carried out around three operational components:

  • Gradually experiment in about ten social action districts with systems that make it possible to support vulnerable people on a long-term basis towardsjob or self-employment in Brazzaville, Pointe-Noire and the Pool
  • Allow the establishment and anchoring of the National Social Action Information System by setting up methods for collecting and using social action data sufficiently adapted to the organization and operation of MASAH
  • Sustainably strengthen the capacities of MASAH at the central and local levels to contribute to the sustainability of the achievements of the program and all social interventions

Intervention framework:

The project initially operates in Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire to eventually be deployed in the Pool

We are looking for an expert who meets the following criteria:

Job Description :


Support for the execution of the Productive Inclusion component : assist in the design, support for the framing and implementation of the mechanism and support tools for vulnerable groups, co-facilitation of the process of validation of operational tools, programming and supervision of activities, framing and support for supervision professional integration-training schemes and entrepreneurial dynamics (entrepreneurial training and facilitation of access to credit), preparation of terms of reference for professional integration and training providers, support for the supervision of services, co-facilitation of balance sheets, supervision of the capitalization of the system, etc.

Communication support : coordination of all the reports of the component, monitoring of the good information technical directorates (in particular the directorate for socio-economic integration, the general directorate for solidarity), sharing of the results of the section and good practices between central directorates, departmental directorates, CAS and other stakeholders;

Coordination of ad hoc support and project managers : production of terms of reference and/or methodological framework notes for local support; supervision of local support, support for the follow-up of expert missions and the implementation of recommendations, technical support for departmental directors and CAS managers, monitoring of the activities of the FIP mission manager, etc.

Mots clés: #Expertise #France #Recruits #Professional #Training #Integration #Expert

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