Fally Ipupa Files Complaint Against Journalist Gauthier Sey

Fally Ipupa, the Congolese superstar, is recognized for his great humility, but he does not tolerate disrespect. Even if courtesy is a value he appreciates, he does not accept being walked all over.

A complaint against journalist Gauthier Sey

Recently, Fally Ipupa fueled the controversy by filing a complaint against the famous Congolese journalist, Gauthier Sey, for defamation. The decision has drawn public attention and could lead to a tense trial for the TV presenter.

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Fally therefore decided to file a complaint against Gauthier Sey by direct citation. The journalist allegedly defamed the famous singer during a recent broadcast, calling him a liar and a forger. He would have questioned the existence of a contract with Vivendi, a supposedly imaginary repetition, and even the legitimacy of a gold record obtained in France.

Fally Ipupa’s legal action

To respond to these accusations, Dicap La Merveille took legal action by filing a complaint against journalist Gauthier Sey. The rumba star’s lawyer filed this complaint with the Kinshasa Peace Court on September 1, 2023.

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The Congolese star mobilized a team of lawyers to defend his reputation. The trial is scheduled for September 5, and this case promises to be followed closely.

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Mots clés: #Fally #Ipupa #Files #Complaint #Journalist #Gauthier #Sey

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