Felix Tshisekedi’s call to combatants in Ituri and North Kivu: Lay down your arms

Felix Tshisekedi calls on fighters in Ituri and North Kivu to renounce violence

The President of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Felix Tshisekedi, has called on fighters operating in Ituri and North Kivu to lay down their arms and renounce violence peacefully.

In a major speech delivered during a meeting with local communities in the region, President Tshisekedi urged fighters from different armed groups to embrace the path of reconciliation and work for peace and stability in the country.

The Head of State stressed the importance of ending the cycle of violence, which has caused great suffering to civilian populations. He stressed that the DRC had already suffered enough from armed conflict and that combatants should now work to build a better future for all Congolese.

Félix Tshisekedi also promised to provide economic and educational opportunities to former combatants, in order to reintegrate them into society and provide them with a legitimate means of subsistence. He underlined the importance of their role as full members of Congolese society, and said that their contribution was essential for the reconstruction and development of the country.

The president also reminded the fighters that the government was ready to engage with them to find peaceful solutions to their concerns. He urged all armed groups to demobilize and join the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) process, to ensure security and stability in the region.

Félix Tshisekedi concluded his speech by calling on local communities to support this call for peace and to actively engage in the reconciliation process. He stressed that peacebuilding requires the participation of all actors, including communities, local authorities and civil society organizations.

The DRC President expressed his determination to end the violence and work for a better future for all Congolese. He called for unity and solidarity among all Congolese to build a peaceful and prosperous country.

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Mots clés: #Felix #Tshisekedis #call #combatants #Ituri #North #Kivu #Lay #arms

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