Former CMA Rebels Accuse Army And Wagner Of Perpetrating Attack That Killed Two Of Their Members.

The former rebels of the CMA accuse the army and Wagner of an attack which caused the death of two of their members.

In a recent statement, the former rebels of the Coordination of Movements of Azawad (CMA) in Mali accused the Malian army and the Russian private military company, Wagner, of being responsible for a deadly attack. According to the testimonies of the ex-rebels, this attack would have caused the death of two of their members.

The CMA is a rebel group that signed the 2015 peace accord with the Malian government. However, despite this peace agreement, the Azawad region in northern Mali remains unstable and is the scene of violent conflicts between different armed groups.

The former rebels say they were the target of a coordinated attack by the Malian army and Wagner while patrolling the area. They claim that government forces have armed themselves with Russian surveillance drones, supplied by the private military company Wagner, to pinpoint their position and carry out targeted strikes.

The ex-rebels deplore the fact that the Malian army, supposed to guarantee security in the region in accordance with the peace agreement, used Russian military means provided by a foreign private company. They believe that the use of these means by government forces compromises the ongoing peace process.

They also stress that this incident is not isolated and that violations of the peace agreement occur regularly. The former rebels are calling for thorough investigations into this attack and for those responsible to be brought to justice.

The Malian authorities and the Wagner company have not yet reacted to these accusations. This case adds additional tension between the various actors involved in the search for stability in the Azawad region.

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Mots clés: #CMA #Rebels #Accuse #Army #Wagner #Perpetrating #Attack #Killed #Members

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