France Is Accused By Junta Of Violating Its Airspace And Freeing ‘Terrorists’, Paris Denies Allegations

Junta accuses France of infringing its airspace and freeing ‘terrorists’, Paris refutes allegations

The country’s ruling military junta recently accused France of violating its airspace and deliberately releasing individuals labeled as “terrorists”. However, French authorities were quick to deny these allegations, saying they were baseless.

This accusation comes amid growing tensions between the junta and the international community, including France, which strongly condemns the military coup and calls for the restoration of democratic order in the country.

According to the junta, French planes illegally entered the airspace during an unauthorized operation, thus facilitating the escape of terrorists wanted by local authorities. They say they have strong evidence to back up their claims, but have yet to provide any concrete details or documents to back up their claims.

In response to these accusations, the French government has dismissed claims of airspace violations, saying it always abides by international law and due process when it comes to air travel. Paris underlines that it has in no way released individuals qualified as “terrorists”, stressing that it remains firmly committed to the fight against terrorism everywhere in the world.

France firmly supports the democratic process and calls for a return to constitutional order in the country. She condemned the military coup and the human rights violations perpetrated by the junta. France is also coordinating with other countries and international organizations to apply coercive measures such as sanctions in order to put pressure on the junta and find a peaceful solution to the crisis.

As tensions between the junta and Western countries increase, it is essential that impartial and transparent investigations be carried out to establish the facts regarding these allegations made against France. In the meantime, France continues to plead for a peaceful resolution of the situation and emphasizes respect for human rights and the restoration of democratic order in the country.

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Mots clés: #France #Accused #Junta #Violating #Airspace #Freeing #Terrorists #Paris #Denies #Allegations

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