Gal Tchiani Says He Averted Disaster In Nigeria

General Abdourahmane Tchiani, head of the military junta that overthrew the Nigerian government, made a bold claim that their heroic action would have prevented Nigeria from plunging into impending disaster.

Islamic scholars recently met President Bola Tinubu at the presidential residence in Abuja, then had a talk with Tchiani in Niamey. According to Sheik Bala Lau, president of Jam’atul Izalatu Bida Waikamatu Sunnah, Tchiani stressed that their coup was motivated by good intentions.

Read also: Religious leaders’ visit to Niamey raises hopes for a negotiated resolution to the Niger crisis

Elimination of an imminent threat

Tchiani claimed that the objective of their action was to eliminate an imminent threat which would have had repercussions not only on the Republic of Niger, but also on neighboring Nigeria. However, the precise details of this threat remain unclear, as the statement was not made explicit.

These statements came shortly after the Nigerian Defense Headquarters reported that some people were encouraging the military to seize power in Nigeria.

Riddle of the threat

Tchiani’s assertion raises intriguing questions: what was the nature of this imminent threat? What were the elements at play that could have caused a large-scale disaster?

The statement highlights the importance of carefully analyzing the motivations behind political events, while keeping in mind the regional and international context.

The impact of this assertion on diplomatic relations and regional dynamics could be significant. Interactions between neighboring countries are often complex, and such a statement could have unintended consequences.

It remains to be seen how this assertion by General Tchiani will influence future developments in Niger and the region.

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