General Tiani Reveals Details About Duration Of Transition

Niger is currently going through a period of political transition following the death of President Mahamadou Issoufou last April. In this context, General Salou Djibo, also called General Tiani, recently gave details on the duration of this transition during a press conference.

General Tiani, former head of the military junta that ruled the country from 2010 to 2011, stressed the importance of respecting the deadlines set for this transition. According to him, the transition period should last about twelve months, in accordance with the Nigerien Constitution.

He also explained that this transition was necessary to guarantee the continuity of the State and preserve the stability of the country. General Tiani said the transition should lead to the establishment of a transitional government and the organization of free and transparent elections to choose the next president.

General Tiani added that the transition should be framed by a National Transitional Council, composed of representatives of civil society and political parties. He specified that this council would have the task of supervising the transition process and guaranteeing the legitimacy of all the decisions taken.

Regarding the duration of this transition, General Tiani stressed that it was important to respect the deadlines set by the Constitution to avoid any risk of destabilization of the country. He also indicated that measures would be taken to ensure the security of the electoral process and prevent any possible disturbances.

General Tiani also called on all political actors and the population to show responsibility and support this transition process. He stressed that the main objective of this transitional period was to ensure a peaceful transfer of power and to preserve peace and stability in the country.

In conclusion, General Tiani gave important details on the duration of the transition in Niger. He stressed the importance of respecting the deadlines set by the Constitution and called for the responsibility of all political actors. This transition is a crucial step to ensure the stability of the country and allow the people of Niger to choose their next president in free and transparent elections.

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Mots clés: #General #Tiani #Reveals #Details #Duration #Transition

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