Government Bans Witchcraft Competition

A competition between wizards which was to be held this weekend has been banned, according to a government statement.

Organizers had planned to hold the competition in Manzini, the second city of Eswatini, a landlocked country in southern Africa ruled by King Mswati III, one of the world’s last absolute monarchs.

Real fights of spells, incantations and other voodoo practices, to show which of the wizards is the most powerful, it was such a ceremony that “Africa Gama” wanted to organize.

“The proposed competition of witchcraft and magic spells was unknown in the country and was seen as an anomaly in the lives of the people of Eswatini”government spokesman Percy Simelane said in a statement.

“The government will not approve any competition of this nature. Anyone who persists in any activity related to witchcraft will face the full force of the law”.

The statement, released on Tuesday, said the Witchcraft Act 1889 defines witchcraft or the practice of voodoo as a punishable offence.

“The government cannot sit idly by while the lives of the citizens of this country are exposed to bizarre and illegal practices that risk poisoning the minds (of Swazis), especially those of children. The government will not allow voodoo competition, period”underlined Percy Simelane.

The Times of Swaziland quoted Africa Gama, the organizer of the event, as saying on Wednesday that the competition would pit witch doctors against traditional healers, as was done during the reign of King Sobhuza II, who died in 1982.

Photo credit: facetofaceafrica

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