Halt of the construction of the Kandadji hydroelectric dam

The construction of the Kandadji hydroelectric dam interrupted

The construction of the Kandadji hydroelectric dam in Niger has been put on hold due to various constraints related to financial and political issues. This ambitious project, which should produce a substantial amount of energy for the country, is suspended until further notice.

The Kandadji dam, located on the Niger River, is supposed to supply electricity to more than 29 million Nigeriens. With a generating capacity of 130 megawatts, it would have been a vital power source for a country still struggling to provide reliable power to its citizens.

However, construction work was stopped due to financial problems. The estimated cost of the project is around US$805 million, much of which was to be covered by loans from the World Bank and the African Development Bank. Unfortunately, these institutions have suspended their financial support due to concerns about the management of the project by the Nigerien government.

In addition to these financial problems, internal political disputes also contributed to the stoppage of the construction site. Tensions have emerged between different political factions, leading to major administrative delays and blockages. These discrepancies made it impossible to implement the decisions necessary to proceed with the construction of the dam.

The halt in the construction of the Kandadji dam is a great disappointment for Niger. Not only will the country face another power shortage, but it will also lose the socio-economic benefits that this project would have brought. The dam would have improved agricultural productivity, created jobs and stimulated economic development in the region.

The Niger government is currently in talks with international financial institutions and hopes to find a way to resolve the political and financial issues associated with this project. It is essential to find a quick solution to relaunch the construction of the Kandadji hydroelectric dam in order to meet the country’s energy needs and take advantage of its development potential.

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