Has The School Year Been Changed Because Of The AFCON?

Ivory Coast: Has the school year been changed because of the CAN?

The African Cup of Nations (CAN) is one of the most anticipated events for football fans in Côte d’Ivoire. However, the holding of this continental tournament can sometimes pose some organizational problems, especially at the level of the school year.

This year, the CAN was originally scheduled to take place in January 2021 in Côte d’Ivoire. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic which has disrupted many sports calendars, the Confederation of African Football (CAF) has decided to postpone the event to January 2023. This decision has relieved the school authorities who have not had to change the current school year.

However, in previous editions of CAN, the school year was changed to fit the dates of the tournament. Indeed, the holding of the CAN often requires the mobilization of school infrastructures to serve as training centers and places of accommodation for the national teams. As a result, schools often have to temporarily close their doors during the competition, which disrupts the flow of lessons and the school program.

To minimize disruption, education authorities have sometimes taken steps to rearrange the school year. For example, they were able to shorten the summer holidays, bring forward the exam schedule or extend the school year until July. These adjustments are often necessary to ensure that students still receive a sufficient number of teaching days required by the Ministry of National Education.

However, these changes can also cause some problems for students and teachers. Students have to adapt to a different schedule, with shorter summer holidays, which may affect their rest and preparation for the next school year. Additionally, teachers often need to review and adjust their curriculum to account for the disruptions caused by CAN.

It is therefore sometimes difficult to find a balance between the success of the CAN, which is a major sporting event, and the continuity of the school year. The authorities must take into account the needs of the students while ensuring that the country can host the tournament in an optimal way.

In conclusion, although the school year has not been changed this year due to the postponement of AFCON, it is common to see adjustments in the school calendar when the competition takes place. The authorities must find a balance between the organization of the tournament and the educational needs of the pupils. Coordination between the Ministry of National Education and sports bodies is essential to minimize disruption and ensure quality education for all Ivorian students.

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Mots clés: #School #Year #Changed #AFCON

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